Heal Your Body.
Restore Your Mind.
Mind-Body Health & Wellness
Are you experiencing any of these symptoms?
Body Pain
Generalized Joint & Muscle Pain, Neurogenic Pain, Subluxation, Headaches, Neck, Low Back, Mid Back, Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist/Hand, Knee, Ankle/Foot Pain, Plantar Fasciitis, Degenerative Disc/Joint Disease, Arthritis, Herniated Disc, Sports Injuries, Scoliosis
Mental & Emotional Stress
Depression, Anxiety, ADD/ADHD, PTSD, Inability to concentrate, Inability to cope with stress, Panic disorder, Mood Disorders, Phobias, Eating Disorders, OCD
Organ Stress
Brain, Thyroid, Lungs, Spleen, Pancreas, Stomach, Small Intestine, Liver, Gallbladder, Heart, Ileocecal Valve, Colon, Reproductive Organs, Adrenals, Kidneys
Biochemistry Imbalance
Fatigue, Digestive Issues, Insomnia, Blood Sugar Dysfunction, Weight Gain, Chronic UTIs, Candida/ Yeast Infections, Gout, Erectile Dysfunction, Irregular Menses, Infertility, Sugar Cravings, Thyroid Disease, Autoimmune Disease, Brain fog, Dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease
Natural Solutions to Optimize Health
How can we support you?
Step 1
Initial Consultation
Step 2
Planning Next Steps
Step 3
Start Your Healing Journey
Hi! I’m Dr. Katrina Rounkles
Thank you for visiting my website. I am excited you are here and I would love to share my journey into health and wellness with you. I did not grow up going to a chiropractor, taking supplements, or anything that resembled the lifestyle I have today. In fact, when I first started chiropractic school I wasn’t sure if I was in the right place. Whether you are someone who has been going to a chiropractor or wellness practitioner your entire life or never once- this website is for you!
“There is no one size fits all approach to healing! My mission is to support and empower people in their own unique journey in health and wellness.”